Linking Verb Examples



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Ok, today's post is about Linking Verb Examples so you'll find a basic Linking Verbs Definition, List of Linking Verbs and lots of examples.


A linking verb is a verb that connects or links the subject to a complement.
It means the linking verb tells us what the subject is, and who the subject is.
For example:
I am a student.

In this example, you can see the subject which is I and the complement which is student are connected or linked.

It means the subject is the complement and the complement is the subject.
I mean I is a student and the student is I.
In short, I and the student are the same person.

But if I say I met a student.

So you can't say meet is a linking verb.

Because In this sentence you can see the subject which is I and the object which is the student are not connected or linked.

It means the subject is not the object and the object is not the subject.
I mean I is not a student and the student is not I.
In short I and the student are not the same person.

I hope you got my point if you still didn't understand it so must comment and ask me.
I must reply to you.

By the way, in the post, you'll find every kind of Linking verb examples 😎.

But before that, you'll see a list of linking verbs.


Oh My God 😱!!!
Are you really reading me,
I can't believe it 😳
I thought you'd skip me 😩
Ok, Well here you can see a list of Most Common Linking Verbs 🤓

  1. appear
  2. be
  3. become
  4. feel
  5. get
  6. go
  7. grow
  8. look
  9. make
  10. prove
  11. remain
  12. seem
  13. smell
  14. sound
  15. stay
  16. taste
  17. turn

And next you'll see some linking verb examples below the belt 😝,
I mean below the list 😌

😍 Must visit this beautiful post 💞
Proper Noun with Examples
💖 to know what proper noun is and its examples👍.


According to my intelligence🤔, there's highly chances that you've just come here straight by skipping all the stuff above 😕

And I liked it, you're just like me 😒

But if you've come after reading all above then thank you from bottom of my heart 😇

Well, here you can see the Linking Verbs with their 5 Examples.

Basically these examples are Linking Verb Sentences.


  1. She appeared very happy.
  2. Kevin always appears grumpy.
  3. The sky has appeared cloudy.
  4. The man appeared a little sad.
  5. Katrina appeared excited about his promotion.


  1. She was a good friend
  2. His proposal is madness.
  3. Sometimes, kids are foolish.
  4. All the puppies are playful.
  5. Jenny is a scientist of the future.


  1. He became headmaster.
  2. She's just become sad.
  3. Chris became angry at me.
  4. I've become a copywriter.
  5. You've become foolish to believe her.


  1. This shirt feels itchy.
  2. I felt so excited last night.
  3. Mary felt bad and wanted to go home.
  4. Beth felt nostalgic on her birthday.
  5. I feel proud when my dad compliments me.


  1. Jane gets sick every month.
  2. He got hungry in the night.
  3. Erica gets tired after work.
  4. My brother gets crazy when he’s hungry.
  5. She got shocked when she heard the news.


  1. The dog has gone crazy.
  2. That car went incredibly fast.
  3. He went red after tripping on the rug.
  4. Building the house went difficult for them.
  5. Bob went sleepy after eating the whole pizza.


  1. She had grown old and thin.
  2. She grew stronger every day.
  3. James grew braver with time.
  4. Kelly grows tired after hours of working.
  5. My grandparents are lucky enough to grow old together.


  1. The food looked spoiled.
  2. The flowers looked wilted.
  3. The sculpture looks strange.
  4. She looked like a good player.
  5. That color looks beautiful on her.


  1. Three and Five make Eight.
  2. Ten hundreds make one Thousand.
  3. This room would make a nice kitchen.
  4. He would have made an excellent teacher.
  5. That makes the fourth time she's failed her driving test.


  1. The show proved a great success.
  2. The idea has proved unsuccessful.
  3. My fears proved to be groundless.
  4. The opposition proved too weak for her.
  5. I've got some information which must prove useful.


  1. His reputation remains intact.
  2. Energy prices may remain high.
  3. Water levels have remained constant.
  4. He remains a member of the Labour Party.
  5. Security at the railway station remains tight.


  1. The food seemed spoiled.
  2. She seemed an intelligent woman.
  3. The Dalai Lama seems like a nice guy.
  4. She seemed very happy after the meeting.
  5. Samantha seems stressed when she writes essays.


  1. A new book smells great.
  2. Your hair smells amazing.
  3. The potatoes smell rotten.
  4. The flowers smelled lovely.
  5. The dinner smells wonderful.


  1. He didn't sound French.
  2. Leo made it sound so easy.
  3. That doorbell sounded broken.
  4. Your wedding plans sound nice.
  5. His voice sounded strange on the phone.


  1. He was told to stay quiet.
  2. I tried to stay out of sight.
  3. He never stayed angry for long.
  4. I couldn't stay awake any longer.
  5. I don't know why they stay together.


  1. The fish tasted faintly of garlic.
  2. The fruit tastes rather like mango.
  3. The soup tasted too garlicky to eat.
  4. The spaghetti sauce tasted delicious.
  5. The water tastes strongly of chemicals.


  1. The weather turned cold.
  2. Tom has turned politician.
  3. The leaves have turned brown.
  4. She decided to turn professional.
  5. They say her hair turned white overnight.

💝💘😍 Thank you for reading the post and coming to my website 😘💖💗

😍 Must visit this link 💞
Story in Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi
💖 for more short stories to learn present Indefinite in a better way, I'm sure you'd like it👍.

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