Story With Past Tenses


Story With Past Tenses

Hello cutie pie 😻
Welcome to my site
In the post you're going to see 4 short stories in past tense, that will help you to understand what past tense is and how it works in a better way.
For that you can click on Story With Past Tenses or you can just scroll down the post.

इस पोस्ट में आप देखोगे 4 short stories in past tense, जो आपकी मदद करेंगे past tense को समझने में कि past tense क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है एक बेहतर तरीके से।
जिसके लिए आप Story With Past Tenses पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं या खुदसे scroll down कर सकते हैं।

And every story is in hindi to english but don't worry about it, it won't bother you if you understand only english.
After reading every story you'll find a worksheet, there you can exercise and find out how much better you are in that particular past tense.

प्रत्येक कहानी को पढ़ने के बाद आपको एक worksheet मिलेगी, वहां आप exercise कर सकते हैं और पता लगा सकते हैं कि आप उस particular past tense में कितने बेहतर हैं।
And in the end you'll get a PDF with all past tenses.
और अंत में आपको सभी past tenses के साथ एक PDF मिलेगी।

By the way a few days ago I posted a post about English To Hindi Translation Of Sentences, there you can see a lot of common sentences, if you are interested must visit.


Every story has a worksheet that has 5 types of questions.
first one is for who understand only english, and another ones are for who understand also hindi.

Following are the types of questions given in the worksheet:

प्रत्येक कहानी में एक worksheet है जिसमें 5 प्रकार के questions हैं।
पहला वाला उनके लिए है जो केवल अंग्रेजी समझते हैं, और दूसरा उनके लिए है जो हिंदी भी समझते हैं।

Worksheet में दिए गए questions के प्रकार निम्नलिखित हैं:


Here you have to answer the questions.
यहां आपको सवालों के जवाब देने होंगे।


I think these questions will be easy for you because here you have to translate the sentences into Hindi that's it.
मुझे लगता है कि ये सवाल आपके लिए आसान होंगे क्योंकि यहां आपको वाक्यों का हिंदी में अनुवाद करना है बस।


And here you have to pick the correct option between the three options.
और यहां आपको तीन विकल्पों में से सही विकल्प चुनना है।


Now it is going to be little bit tough because here you have to complete the sentences.
अब थोड़ा कठिन होने वाला है क्योंकि यहां आपको वाक्यों को पूरा करना है।


Here you have to translate the sentences into English.
यहां आपको वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद करना होगा।

Notice: There is a high chance that your answers may differ from mine, but that doesn't mean your answers are completely wrong, but it's up to you to check the correctness of your answers.
सूचना: इस बात की बहुत अधिक संभावना है कि आपके उत्तर मेरे उत्तर से भिन्न हो सकते हैं, लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि आपके उत्तर पूरी तरह से गलत हैं, लेकिन यह आप पर निर्भर है कि आप अपने उत्तरों की correctness की जांच करें।


Now you will get 4 short stories of past tense and every story revolves around every tense of past such as past simple story, past continuous story etc.
अब आपको भूतकाल की 4 short stories मिलेंगी और हर कहानी past के हर tense के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है जैसे कि past simple story, past continuous story आदि।


Here you will find a story which revolves around the Past simple/indefinite tense.
The story is about the friendship of two friends Sam and Josh.

यहां आपको एक कहानी मिलेगी जो Past indefinite/simple tense के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है।
यह कहानी दो दोस्त सैम और जोश की दोस्ती की है।

Hi, my name is Sam.
नमस्ते, मेरा नाम सैम है।
I am writing an e-mail to my friend Josh.
मैं अपने मित्र जोश को एक ई-मेल लिख रहा हूँ।
I met him at the shopping centre last winter and we became friends.
मैं उससे पिछली सर्दियों में शॉपिंग सेंटर में मिला और हम दोस्त बन गए।
We had good time together.
हमने साथ में अच्छा समय बिताया।
He invited me to his house.
उसने मुझे अपने घर बुलाया।
We played computer games.
हमने कंप्यूटर गेम खेले।
After a while his brother offered to go to the cinema.
थोड़ी देर बाद उसके भाई ने सिनेमा जाने का ऑफर दिया।
But we didn't want to go.
लेकिन हम जाना नहीं चाहते थे।
Because playing game was more fun than going to the cinema.
क्योंकि सिनेमा देखने जाने से ज्यादा गेम खेलना मज़ेदार था।
Last week Josh and his family moved to another city.
पिछले हफ्ते जोश और उसका परिवार दूसरे शहर चले गए।
Josh was very upset because he didn't want to leave this town.
जोश बहुत परेशान था क्योंकि वह इस शहर को छोड़ना नहीं चाहता था।
He sent me some photos of his new house and his new school.
उसने मुझे अपने नए घर और अपने नए स्कूल की कुछ तस्वीरें भेजीं।
He made new friends there.
वहां उसने नए दोस्त बनाए।
I was really happy to hear that... But... I really miss him.
मुझे यह सुनकर वाकई खुशी हुई... लेकिन... मुझे सच में उसकी याद आती है।


Q 1. Why does Sam miss Josh?

Ans: Josh moves to another city so Sam misses him.

Q 2. What did Josh send to Sam?

Ans: Josh sent Sam some photos of his new house and his new school.

Q 3. What did Josh's brother offer?

Ans: Josh's brother offered to go to the cinema.

Q 4. Where did Sam and Josh first meet?

Ans: Sam and Josh first met at the shopping centre.


1. Hi, my name is Sam.

Ans: नमस्ते, मेरा नाम सैम है।

2. We played computer games.

Ans: हमने कंप्यूटर गेम खेले।

3. But we didn't want to go.

Ans: लेकिन हम जाना नहीं चाहते थे।

4. We had good time together.

Ans: हमने साथ में अच्छा समय बिताया।


1. वहां उसने नए दोस्त बनाए।
i) He made there new friends.
ii) He did made new friends there.
iii) He made new friends there.

Ans: iii) He made new friends there.

2. उसने मुझे अपने घर आमंत्रित किया।
i) He invites me to his house.
ii) He invited me to his house.
iii) He'll invite me to his house.

Ans: ii) He invited me to his house.

3. मैं जोश को एक ई-मेल लिख रहा था।
i) He was writing an e-mail to Josh.
ii) Me was writing an e-mail to Josh.
iii) I was writing an e-mail to Josh.

Ans: iii) I was writing an e-mail to Josh.

4. जोश और उसका परिवार दूसरे शहर चले गए।
i) Josh and his family moved to a city.
ii) Josh and his family moved to another city.
iii) Josh and his family moved to the city.

Ans: ii) Josh and his family moved to another city.


1. उनके भाई ने सिनेमा जाने की पेशकश की।
His Brother offered to ...

Ans: ... go to the cinema.

2. उसने मुझे अपने नए घर और अपने नए स्कूल की कुछ तस्वीरें भेजीं।
He sent me some photos of ...

Ans: ... his new house and his new school.

3. क्योंकि गेम खेलने में ज़्यादा मजा आता था सिनेमा जाने से।
Because playing game was more ...

Ans: ... fun than going to the cinema.

4. जोश बहुत परेशान था क्योंकि वह इस शहर को छोड़ना नहीं चाहता था।
Josh was very upset because ...

Ans: ... he didn't want to leave this town.


1. नमस्ते, मेरा नाम सैम है।

Ans: Hi, my name is Sam.

2. हमने कंप्यूटर गेम खेले।

Ans: We played computer games.

3. लेकिन हम जाना नहीं चाहते थे।

Ans: But we didn't want to go.

4. हमने साथ में अच्छा समय बिताया।

Ans: We had good time together.


Here you will find a story which revolves around the Past continuous/progressive tense.
The story is about Lucas's rainy day.
यहां आपको एक कहानी मिलेगी जो Past continuous/progressive tense के आस-पास घूमती है।
यह कहानी लुकास के बरसात के दिनों की है।

Yesterday, it was thundering and raining all day.
कल, दिन भर गरज के साथ बारिश होती रही।
Lucas was playing inside the house.
लुकास घर के अंदर खेल रहा था।
He wanted to be outside.
वह बाहर रहना चाहता था।
He was not playing outside because it was raining.
वह बाहर नहीं खेल रहा था क्योंकि बारिश हो रही थी।
He was looking tired of being trapped inside the house.
वह घर के अंदर क़ैद होने से थका हुआ दिख रहा था।
Lucas was trying to keep busy inside the house.
लुकास घर के अंदर व्यस्त रहने की कोशिश कर रहा था।
He was reading his book until the electricity went out.
बिजली जाने तक वह अपनी किताब पढ़ रहा था।
Then, he decided to practice his drawing.
फिर, उसने अपनी ड्राइंग का अभ्यास करने का फैसला किया।
He was practicing drawing until lunchtime.
वह दोपहर के भोजन के समय तक ड्राइंग का अभ्यास कर रहा था।
After lunch, he sat by the door and watched the rain.
दोपहर के भोजन के बाद, वह दरवाजे पर बैठ गया और बारिश को देखा।
While Lucas was watching the rain, the phone rang.
जब लुकास बारिश देख रहा था, तब फोन बज उठा।
His mother was calling to say she was coming home.
उसकी मां फोन कर कह रही थी कि वह घर आ रही है।
She was bringing a new toy.
वह एक नया खिलौना ला रही थी।
Lucas and his mother ate ice cream and played with the toy.
लुकास और उसकी माँ ने आइसक्रीम खाई और खिलौने से खेला।
While they were having fun, the rain stopped!
जब वे मज़े कर रहे थे, बारिश रुक गई!
But Lucas didn't even notice.
लेकिन लुकास ने नोटिस भी नहीं किया।
He was having such a good time with his mom!
वह अपनी माँ के साथ इतना अच्छा समय बिता रहा था!


Q 1. When did the rain stop?

Ans: The rain stopped while Lucas and his mother were having fun.

Q 2. Why was Lucas inside the house?

Ans: Lucas was inside the house because it was raining and he could not play in the rain.

Q 3. What was Lucas doing to keep busy?

Ans: Lucas was reading his book and practicing drawing to keep busy?

Q 4. How were Lucas and his mother having fun?

Ans: By eating ice-cream and playing with toy, they were having fun.


1. He wanted to be outside.

Ans: वह बाहर रहना चाहता था।

2. She was bringing a new toy.

Ans: वह एक नया खिलौना ला रही थी।

3. But Lucas didn't even notice.

Ans: लेकिन लुकास ने नोटिस भी नहीं किया।

4. Lucas was playing inside the house.

Ans: लुकास घर के अंदर खेल रहा था।


1. वे मजे कर रहे थे।
i) They were having fun.
ii) They are having fun.
iii) They'll be having fun.

Ans: i) They were having fun.

2. वह ड्राइंग का अभ्यास कर रहा था।
i) He was drawing practicing.
ii) He was practicing drawing.
iii) He were practicing drawing.

Ans: ii) He was practicing drawing.

3. उसने अपनी ड्राइंग का अभ्यास करने का फैसला किया।
i) He decided to practice his drawing.
ii) He had decided to practice his drawing.
iii) He was deciding to practice his drawing.

Ans: i) He decided to practice his drawing.

4. वह अपनी माँ के साथ अच्छा समय बिता रहा था!
i) She was having a good time with his mom!
ii) It was having a good time with his mom!
iii) He was having a good time with his mom!

Ans: iii) He was having a good time with his mom!


1. वह बाहर नहीं खेल रहा था।
He was not ...

Ans: ... playing outside.

2. लूकस बारिश देख रहा था।
Lucas was ...

Ans: ... watching the rain.

3. लूकस व्यस्त रहने की कोशिश कर रहा था।
Lucas was trying ...

Ans: ... to keep busy.

4. दिन भर गरज के साथ बारिश होती रही।
It was thundering ...

Ans: ... and raining all day.


1. वह बाहर रहना चाहता था।

Ans: He wanted to be outside.

2. वह एक नया खिलौना ला रही थी।

Ans: She was bringing a new toy.

3. लेकिन लुकास ने नोटिस भी नहीं किया।

Ans: But Lucas didn't even notice.

4. लुकास घर के अंदर खेल रहा था।

Ans: Lucas was playing inside the house.


Here you will find a story which revolves around the Past perfect tense.
The story is about Olivia's true love.
यहां आपको एक कहानी मिलेगी जो past perfect tense के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है।
यह कहानी ओलिविया के सच्चे प्यार के बारे में है।

Olivia was very tired because she had worked all day.
ओलिविया बहुत थकी हुई थी क्योंकि उसने सारा दिन काम किया था।
She fell asleep on the train to her home in Manchester and did not wake up until after the train had reached Scotland.
वह मैनचेस्टर में अपने घर तक जाने वाली ट्रेन में सो गई और ट्रेन के स्कॉटलैंड पहुंचने तक नहीं उठी।
Olivia got off the train in Glasgow.
ओलिविया ग्लासगो में ट्रेन से उतरी।
She felt hungry because she had not eaten since breakfast so she went into a hamburger restaurant.
उसे भूख लग रही थी क्योंकि उसने नाश्ते के बाद से कुछ नहीं खाया था इसलिए वह एक हैमबर्गर रेस्तरां में चली गई।
After she had finished her meal, she talked to the waiter.
खाना खत्म करने के बाद उसने वेटर से बात की।
His name was Erik.
उसका नाम एरिक था।
She waited until He had finished his work and then they went to the cinema.
उसने तब तक इंतजार किया जब तक वह अपना काम पूरा नहीं कर लेता और फिर वे सिनेमा देखने गए।
Erik was very shy because he had never had a girlfriend before.
एरिक बहुत शर्मीला था क्योंकि उसकी पहले कभी कोई गर्लफ्रेंड नहीं थी।
Olivia was very shy because she had never seen such a handsome man before.
ओलिविया बहुत शर्मीली थी क्योंकि उसने इतना हैंडसम आदमी पहले कभी नहीं देखा था।
But they agreed to meet again.
लेकिन वे फिर से मिलने के लिए सहमत हुए।
Olivia decided to stay in Glasgow because she had fallen in love with Erik.
ओलिविया ने ग्लासगो में रहने का फैसला किया क्योंकि उसे एरिक से प्यार हो गया था।
After a year had passed.
एक साल बीत जाने के बाद।
They got married.
उन्होंने शादी कर ली थी।
It was lucky that Olivia had fallen asleep on the train. wasn't it?
खुशकिस्मती से ओलिविया ट्रेन में सो गई थी। नहीं?


Q 1. Where was Olivia's house?

Ans: Olivia's house was in Manchester.

Q 2. Where did Olivia and Erik first meet?

Ans: Olivia and Erik first met at a hamburger restaurant.

Q 3. Why did Olivia fall asleep on the train?

Ans: Olivia had worked all day so she was tired and fell asleep on the train.

Q 4. Why did Olivia decide to stay in Glasgow?

Ans: Olivia decided to stay in Glasgow because she had fallen in love with Erik.


1. They got married.

Ans: उन्होंने शादी कर ली थी।

2. His name was Erik.

Ans: उसका नाम एरिक था।

3. After a year had passed.

Ans: एक साल बीत जाने के बाद।

4. Olivia got off the train in Glasgow.

Ans: ओलिविया ग्लासगो में ट्रेन से उतरी।


1. ओलिविया ट्रेन में सो गई थी।
i) Olivia had fall asleep on the train.
ii) Olivia had fallen asleep on the train.
iii) Olivia had asleep fallen on the train.

Ans: ii) Olivia had fallen asleep on the train.

2. एरिक की पहले कभी कोई गर्लफ्रेंड नहीं थी।
i) Erik never had a girlfriend before.
ii) Erik was never having a girlfriend before.
iii) Erik had never had a girlfriend before.

Ans: iii) Erik had never had a girlfriend before.

3. ओलिविया बहुत थकी हुई थी क्योंकि उसने सारा दिन काम किया था।
i) Olivia were very tired because she had worked all day.
ii) Olivia was very tired because she had worked all day.
iii) Olivia had very tired because she had worked all day.

Ans: ii) Olivia was very tired because she had worked all day.

4. खाना खत्म करने के बाद उसने वेटर से बात की।
i) After she had finished her meal, she talked to the waiter.
ii) After he had finished her meal, she talked to the waiter.
iii) After she had finished her meal, he talked to the waiter.

Ans: i) After she had finished her meal, she talked to the waiter.


1. ओलिविया ने ग्लासगो में रहने का फैसला किया।
Olivia decided to ...

Ans: ... stay in Glasgow.

2. उसने नाश्ते के बाद से कुछ नहीं खाया था।
She had not eaten ...

Ans: ... since breakfast.

3. उसने तब तक प्रतीक्षा की जब तक वह अपना काम समाप्त नहीं कर लेता।
She waited until He ...

Ans: ... had finished his work.

4. ओलिविया ने इतना सुंदर आदमी पहले कभी नहीं देखा था।
Olivia had never seen such ...

Ans: ... a handsome man before.


1. उन्होंने शादी कर ली थी।

Ans: They got married.

2. उसका नाम एरिक था।

Ans: His name was Erik.

3. एक साल बीत जाने के बाद।

Ans: After a year had passed.

4. ओलिविया ग्लासगो में ट्रेन से उतरी।

Ans: Olivia got off the train in Glasgow.


Here you will find a story which revolves around the Past perfect continuous/progressive tense.
The story is about Sophia who is a tennis player.
यहां आपको एक ऐसी कहानी मिलेगी जो Past perfect continuous/progressive tense के आस-पास घूमती है।
यह कहानी सोफिया की है जो एक टेनिस खिलाड़ी है।

Sophia had been playing the game of Tennis since she was 7 years old.
सोफिया 7 साल की उम्र से टेनिस खेल रही थी।
She liked to play Tennis.
उसे टेनिस खेलना पसंद था।
She played with other kids.
वह अन्य बच्चों के साथ खेलती थी।
She also taught other kids how to play Tennis.
उसने अन्य बच्चों को भी टेनिस खेलना सिखाया।
For a few days, she had been teaching Natasha how to play Tennis.
कुछ दिनों से वह नताशा को टेनिस खेलना सिखा रही थी।
She had been teaching Natasha all the rules of the game by the time.
वह उस समय तक नताशा को खेल के सारे नियम सिखा रही थी।
She had been teaching Natasha how to win.
वह नताशा को जीतना सिखा रही थी।
Natasha was Sophia's friend.
नताशा सोफिया की दोस्त थी।
She had been learning to play Tennis.
वह टेनिस खेलना सीख रही थी।
She had been wishing to play the game for many years.
वह कई सालों से इस खेल को खेलना चाह रही थी।
The past few days, her friend Sophia had been teaching her how to play Tennis.
पिछले कुछ दिनों से, उसकी दोस्त सोफिया उसे टेनिस खेलना सिखा रही थी।
It was a fun game.
यह एक मजेदार खेल था।


Q 1. How did Natasha know Sophia?

Ans: Natasha knew Sophia as a friend.

Q 2. Who had Sophia been teaching Tennis?

Ans: Sophia had been teaching Tennis to Natasha.

Q 3. How long had Sophia been playing Tennis?

Ans: Sophia had been playing Tennis since she was 7 years old.

Q 4. Who had been wishing to play Tennis for many years?

Ans: Natasha had been wishing to play Tennis for many years.


1. It was a fun game.

Ans: यह एक मजेदार खेल था।

2. She liked to play Tennis.

Ans: उसे टेनिस खेलना पसंद था।

3. She played with other kids.

Ans: वह अन्य बच्चों के साथ खेलती थी।

4. Natasha was Sophia's friend.

Ans: नताशा सोफिया की दोस्त थी।


1. वह टेनिस खेलना सीख रही थी।
i) Had she been learning to play Tennis?
ii) She had been learning to play Tennis.
iii) She had not been learning to play Tennis.

Ans: ii) She had been learning to play Tennis.

2. वह नताशा को जीतना सिखा रही थी।
i) She had been teaching Natasha how to win.
ii) She had been teaching her how to win.
iii) She had been teaching Sophia how to win.

Ans: i) She had been teaching Natasha how to win.

3. उसने अन्य बच्चों को भी टेनिस खेलना सिखाया।
i) She also teach other kids how to play Tennis.
ii) She also taught other kids how to play Tennis.
iii) She will also teach other kids how to play Tennis.

Ans: ii) She also taught other kids how to play Tennis.

4. वह कई सालों से इस खेल को खेलना चाह रही थी।
i) She had been wishing to play the game for many years.
ii) She been had wishing to play the game for many years.
iii) She had wishing to play the game for many years.

Ans: i) She had been wishing to play the game for many years.


1. कुछ दिनों से वह नताशा को सिखा रही थी।
For a few days, she had ...

Ans: ... been teaching Natasha.

2. सोफिया 7 साल की उम्र से खेल रही थी।
Sophia had been playing ...

Ans: ... since she was 7 years old.

3. नताशा पिछले कुछ दिनों से टेनिस सीख रही थी।
The past few days, Natasha ...

Ans: ... had been learning Tennis.

4. वह उस समय तक नताशा को खेल के सारे नियम सिखा रही थी।
She had been teaching Natasha all ...

Ans: ... the rules of the game by the time.


1. यह एक मजेदार खेल था।

Ans: It was a fun game.

2. उसे टेनिस खेलना पसंद था।

Ans: She liked to play Tennis.

3. वह अन्य बच्चों के साथ खेलती थी।

Ans: She played with other kids.

4. नताशा सोफिया की दोस्त थी।

Ans: Natasha was Sophia's friend.


Here you'll get a PDF which has short story with all tenses.
To download or view the PDF, simply you just have to click the button below.

यहां आपको एक PDF मिलेगा जिसमें सभी past tense के short story है।
PDF को डाउनलोड करने या देखने के लिए, आपको बस नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा।

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By the way a few days ago I posted a post about English To Hindi Translation Of Sentences, there you can see a lot of common sentences, if you are interested must visit.

What is past tense?

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